Gas South App

Gas South App

Gas South App

Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design

Gas South has a large contingent of users who access our online platform from their phones. We wanted to design an application specific to the mobile experience to give our customers the best possible experience.

Gas South has a large contingent of users who access our online platform from their phones. We wanted to design an application specific to the mobile experience to give our customers the best possible experience.

Gas South has a large contingent of users who access our online platform from their phones. We wanted to design an application specific to the mobile experience to give our customers the best possible experience.


Gas South


Visual Design UI & UX Design Design Research


Natural Gas Utilities


January 2023

App Screen with open sidebar
App Screen with open sidebar
App Screen with open sidebar

Objective To create a seamless web experience as customers transition from prospective to customers. Creating an easy-to-use platform for customers to self-serve easily. User Goals
 • Easy Bill Pay: Pay bills quickly and securely. • Account Management: View and update account information. • Renew plan: Choose or renew plans. • Convenience: Manage accounts on-the-go using a mobile device. Design Requirements • Responsive Design: App should be optimized for mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets). • Accessibility: App should follow accessibility guidelines (e.g., WCAG 2.1). • Security: App should ensure secure payment processing and data storage. • Branding: App should reflect Gas South's brand identity (e.g., logo, color scheme). By adhering to existing design standards and prioritizing usability, the Gas South app provides customers with a seamless and user-friendly experience, making it easier for them to manage their accounts, pay bills, and access energy usage insights.

Gas South mobile Screenshots
Gas South mobile Screenshots
Gas South mobile Screenshots
Gas South mobile
Gas South mobile
Gas South mobile

Results • 30% Reduction in Customer Support Calls: The app's intuitive design and comprehensive features 
 have reduced the number of customer support calls, resulting in cost savings and improved customer experience. • Improved Customer Engagement: The app provides a convenient and user-friendly way for customers to manage their accounts, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction. • 25% Increase in Online Bill Pay Adoption: The app has significantly increased online bill pay adoption, reducing manual and paper bills. • 300 App downloads in the first month